Online Affiliation & Payment

Section 1

For all LAVic Centres to complete the first step in affiliation process for season 24/25. The process will include completing an online application collecting important details specific to your Centre. Once submitted an invoice will be issued for payment.

Affiliation Documents

Section 2

Consumer Affairs Vic / Department of Fair Trade NSW & LAVic Requirements & Affiliation documents to be submitted to the LAVic office including Financial Compliance & Wellbeing Statement, Financial Statement, Audit report/Independent review, & Minutes of the AGM (Draft).

Fee Template

Section 3

Registration fee template for members in season 2024-25.

Affiliation Matrix

View the affiliation matrix spreadsheet in real-time to keep up-to-date with how your Centre is going with the affiliation process for the 2024-25 Little Athletics season.

There is no specific order for the 3 sections above, upon successful completion of all items in Affiliation, Centres will be able to commence member registration once the portal is open.