Conference 2020


Click here to watch the day one preview with Anthony McIntosh (CEO).

Explore common issues faced by Centres and identify key resources available on the Centre resources website – ourCentre.

[5:00 PM] Session 1 – Supporting Centres with accessible resources

Understanding your Centres strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to identify and set goals for the following season – use these goals to establish the relevant Calendars, timetables and parent rosters.

[7:00 PM] Session 2 – Centre planning to maximise parent resources

Explore simple marketing practices Centres should utilise to promote their Centre and inform their members.

[8:30 PM] Session 3 – Essential marketing activities at your Centre


Click here to watch the day two preview with Anthony McIntosh (CEO).

Understanding SportsTG – Basic functionality in the Classic system, for first time users or Centres not familiar with the system and its capabilities. Learn how to view members, view and understand payment listings/payment settlements, activate new members, prepare email templates, create member groups and setting up administrators.

[7:00 PM] Session 4 – LAVic Member Database – Basics

Little Athletics Victoria’s results software – Your essential overview which will cover pre-season preparation. program/calendar set-up, printing recording sheets for competition days, entering results, Using Race-HQ and Competition HQ. An excellent session for new administrators, registrars/results recorders.

[8:30 PM] Session 5 – Timing Solutions for Beginners


Click here to watch the day three preview with Anthony McIntosh (CEO).

How to successfully establish a committee hand over process by determining clear role descriptions, expectations, processes and documentation. This session will focus on the importance of a good handover, where to find support and what to do when there is no handover.

[5:00 PM] Session 6 – Succession planning for committee members

Centre financial reporting requirements for Committees.

[7:00 PM] Session 7 – Financials for Committees – The Bare Essentials

LAVic is the first sporting organisation in Australia to voluntarily ‘opt-in’ to abide by the Australian Privacy Principles. What does this mean for LAVic, Regions and Centres when handling personal information to conduct our sport?

[8:30 PM] Session 8 – Privacy Regulations & Little Athletics – what does this mean?


Click here to watch the day four preview with Anthony McIntosh (CEO).

For those who know the basics & are looking to expand their knowledge of the system.

[7:00 PM] Session 9 – LAVic Member Database – Specifics

Little Athletics Victoria’s results software for intermediate/advanced users- covering a more in-depth view of RaceHQ your electronic interface with ResultsHQ, nominations for InterCentre Rounds / Open Days, RaceHQ pack mode explained, Introduction to CompetitionHQ – real-time result recording – save on printing paper – see how it works!

[8:30 PM] Session 10 – Timing Solutions for Intermediate


Click here to watch the day five preview with Anthony McIntosh (CEO).

An overview of the Competition Calendar for Season 2020-21 as well as updates to the Competition Rules and Regulations for the season ahead.

[7:00 PM] Session 11 – LAVic competition outlook for the 20/21 Season

The requirement to deliver a weekly Little Athletics Centre competition requires a large volunteer base to have a basic understanding of the appropriate working model for each Little Athletics event. To be able to assist athletes to perform the basic athletic skills and to identify some common technical faults is often quite challenging for most Centre helpers. Along with officiating the events, these are the fundamentals that are essential for our Centres to provide their programs, effectively and efficiently. Our focus is to upskill the Centre helpers, we will explore the resources that are available to achieve these goals

[8:30 PM] Session 12 – Basic Coaching and Officiating courses for Centre Helpers


Click here to watch the day six preview with Anthony McIntosh (CEO).

CEO Anthony McIntosh will speak to the season ahead for LAVic – the strategic plan, operations, the impact of COVID19, challenges for LAVic and for community sport, OneAthletics, and other issues shaping the direction of our sport.

[3:00 PM] Session 13 – LAVic in uncertain times – the 20/21 Season ahead

Current restrictions and protocols for the Return to Training/Competition in community sport & updated COVID19 compliance requirements for Affiliation in Season 2020-21.

[5:00 PM] Session 14 – Return to play – COVID-19 Update

LAVic ventures into new territory by conducting its annual Centre Excellence Awards presentation online. Suit/frock up and log on to celebrate the achievements of our individuals, Centres and Regions for the 2019-20 season.

[6:00 PM] Session 15 – LAVic Centre Excellence Awards Presentation

Trade Exhibition

Little Athletics Victoria, Centres and Athletes are all supported by the contributions made by our wonderful sponsors and suppliers. Check out our Trade Exhibition to see how they can help your Centre succeed during the 2020-21 season!