To assist in personalising the experience and ensure that only those who should have access to your profile do we implemented a Users list a couple of years ago. This has now moved to its final phase and all centres will need to ensure they manage the users list going forward.
The Centre Admin account will be removed as a way of accessing your profile at the start of Season 2016/17 and as part of your Season Roll over you will be prompted to review your User List. A couple of default user accounts have been setup for your President, VP, Treasurer etc that will allow you to keep your users up to date. Passwords will no longer by visible, with a password reset option available if you forget.
To access your Users list to to Setup – Users
You will find a list of default users to update and also the option to create your own accounts. Users will receive a welcome email with prompt to set their personal password before gaining access.
Source: Timing Solutions
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