Little Athletics Victoria conduct a range of different methods when it comes to marketing the sport. These techniques range from targeting new members to the sport, to promoting Little Athletics events throughout the season.

Centre Facebook Advertising

Online advertising is booming, with millions of businesses worldwide utilising Facebook as a platform to advertise directly to their customers. Little Athletics Victoria uses Facebook to advertise to new and potential members, and we are now opening this resource up to Centre’s!

Facebook Centre Advertising
Centre Marketing Kits

Little Athletics Victoria provides Centre’s with a number of different social media marketing materials to assist them in promoting the sport to their members. Included in the Centre Marketing Kits are key messaging – social media vertical flyers, additional marketing materials, call to action tiles and frequently used tiles. These can be used on Centre’s social media pages and can be used around the Centre.

Need further assistance? Contact:

Nathan Gjorgievski

(03) 9960 8600

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