Have completed and had signed the Financial Compliance and Wellbeing declaration as part of the requirements for the AGM
To email LAVic from Centre email address – the new Secretaries name / contact number / personal email. (This enables us to contact your new Centre Secretary directly to advise them on the updated password for your Centre email)
* By notifying us as soon as possible assists in securing your Centre Mailbox & member database.
Update new Centre Secretary details via myCAV within 14 days the AGM.
Provide handover to new Secretary, outlining position requirement
New Secretary
Provide contact number and email to outgoing Secretary (if not already) – to enable item 1 – from outgoing Secretary
Verify access to Centre mailbox once access details have been sent by Kim John (LAVic)
Create a myCAV profile using your personal email address, in order to verify your identity and gain access to your Centre’s Consumer Affairs Account.
To Submit an annual return within one month of the AGM by logging into myCAV(login details / reminder passwords should be aligned to your personal email address).
Update Centre contact details across Centre website/Facebook/Team App et
Check and confirm the current profiles in SportsTG / Results HQ to ensure no outgoing committee members still have access (this can be done by communicating with Kim John (LAVic)
Review the history of mail sent to the Centre mailbox to flag important dates
Check to make sure all contact details are correct on Centre website, social media channels, LAVic contacts etc….
Make contact with your local council / counterparty whom you hire your venue from so they have you as a primary contact
Make contact with your Region, introducing yourself and check on the requirements of Centres within their Region (ie – Minutes to be sent to them after committee meetings, AGM’s etc)