we can create
successful centres
ourCentre is a resource for Little Athletics Victoria Centre's
to assist in creating healthy environments for athletes.
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The Centre
Resource Guide
is only a click away
The Centre Resource Guide is the only resource your Centre will need
to create a successful Little Athletics Centre.
Centre Resource Guide

Welcome to ourCentre

A Complete Resource for the Little Athletics Victoria Community
Centre Resource Guide

The Centre Resource Guide (CRG) is an online tool for Centre’s to utilise which aims to assist with operating a Little Athletics Centre. The CRG has hundreds of documents, tutorials and video how-to guide’s.

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Webinar’s are a great tool for committee members to use as a way to learn specific skills designed to assist them with running a Centre. The webinars are hosted by association staff and will be able to be accessed after the event.

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Online Conference

View all the documentation and replays of the latest Little Athletics Victoria conference.

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A message from our Chief Executive Officer

Little Athletics Victoria is proud to launch ourCENTRE – a new online tool for key stakeholders within our sport.

A major component of the website is the new iteration of what’s formerly been known as the Centre Resource Guide – a big folder-come-CD of helpful information on all facets of how to run a Little Athletics Centre. It’s now been given a new life as an online website.

Volunteers play a major role in the success of Little Athletics so it is imperative that we provide them with the resources needed to do their roles. These resources will be updated and continually improved over time.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on ourCENTRE and encourage you to let us know if you would like to see any further resources added.

Anthony McIntosh
Chief Executive Officer

Featured Podcast

Centre News

From Little Athletics Victoria Centres to the Olympics

A very special congratulations from Little Athletics Victoria to the following 20 athletes that are heading to the Tokyo Olympics that came through 17 different LAVic Centres. A fantastic achievement and we look forward to watching our athletes at the Olympics later this month. Please find below a list of […]

  Little Athletics Victoria ,    July 7, 2021

The OneAthletics Project Update

We hope you, your families and your communities are managing during this difficult time. We recognise the importance of athletics in many people’s lives and hope when the time is right we can return to athletics in our community. The OneAthletics project has been operating in the background during this […]

  Lachlan Rayner ,    May 6, 2020

2019 Conference Presentations

Over the weekend of the 27th and 28th July 2019, Little Athletics Victoria held its annual conference at Mantra Bell City. This conference sees Centre and Region personnel from the Little Athletics community all come together to share ideas and gain knowledge. Below are the copies of the presentations that […]

  Lachlan Rayner ,    August 9, 2019

02. Inside Our Centre – New Committee Members

On Episode 2 of Inside Our Centre we discuss the topic of new committee members. Our three guests provide an insight on what their own experiences were when joining their local Little Athletics committee as well as some knowledge on what they are doing now to assist people who are […]

  Lachlan Rayner ,    June 25, 2019


ourCENTRE is full of videos to assist the Little Athletics Victoria community in their journey to develop the best possible Little Athletics Centre Centre.

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